Monday, March 14, 2011

Soup and Toast

A nice and simple, lazy dinner. Knorr lite beef and vegetable cup of soup with white bread toasted, salt and peppered, and then platted in a pretty/gay fashion on the plate.

A truly uninteresting meal if there ever was one, but it was mildly nutritious and it didnt take 30 minutes to prepare (it took 5)

The real surprise came right at the end, at the very last sip, a small spoonful of vegetables that tasted like they came from the back of a freezer, where they had sat, unsealed, for the past 10,000 years.

Lay`s Sweet & Spicy Chutney

Lays, mmmm. I like Lays, but it`s one of those snacks I can live without. Cost wise, they`re a bit pricier than Simba and the other brands. I also generally prefer the other stuff. Lay`s are perfectly tasty and good looking, but I dont generally get excited unless there`s a new flavour , or I can track down a pack of elusive barbeque Lays, which seem to never be in front of me when Im looking for them.

I cant remember the last time I had bbq Lays, Im not even sure if they`re called beef or barbeque, but they`re befuck, definately my favourite Lays.

Anyways, these are sweet and spicy chutney. This to me says they are plain old boring chutney chips, and Im likely right. I dont get excited by new flavours that just slightly rehash old flavours.

I like how this 30g pack is perfectly inflated, in a pinch they might come in handy as life preservers

Looking at the nutritional info it reminds me how no one ever says anything about the fact that Lays (at least all the packs of Lay`s that Ive seen) contain more good fat than bad fat. Of the 10.8g of fat that this packet contains, 1.2g of it is poly-unsaturated (good fat), 4.6g is mono-unsaturated (good fat), and 4.9g of it is saturated (bad fat). That means, that despite it containing almost 5 grams of bad fat, it contains even more good fat (5.8g)

The taste test confirms it. They taste like chutney, lol. Not spicy at all. Maybe some burn would have helped to leave a stronger impression. Sorry, these are plain old chutney chips. Tasty, sure. Different, nope.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Nik Naks - Cheese Flavour

Not much to be said about Nik Naks, unless you come from a place that doesnt have them, which I suspect is most of you. Nik Naks are a rich, cheesy, cheese snack made from maize. I wish I had a pic but I ate them all before I had the idea to blog about their amazingness.

In South Africa, Nik Naks are one of those things we`ve known since childhood, so I think many of us feel a bit nostalgic about them, like fizzers, fritos, and steri stumpies. They kinda stink if you`re the only one eating them though. They are awesome.

An urban legend states that covering Nik Naks in cheese and grillng them in the oven elevates them to a higher level of awesomeness, but I can neither confirm nor deny such a rumour.

I find that eating anything more than a small pack makes me violently nauseous, purely due to their extreme awesomeness

Millstone Pretzel Twists - BBQ Tomato Flavour

Seriously awesome. Ive never really been one for pretzels, I always found them dry and just generally crap, but these bad boys are different. Soft like no other pretzel Ive ever had (keeping in mind Ive never had a real pretzel.) Very very tasty, a nice sweet and tangy tomato with a good little smack of bbq. I was sad when they were finished.

Tea, because I drink too much coffee

Im enjoying a cup of tea for probably the first time in 10 years. I feel like a grumpy Englishman. I actually decided today that I want to go to England. Not for the people, mind you. The people would be reason enough not to go. No, Id want to go to England for the miserable weather. Ive always loved miserable weather (maybe it`s because Im a miserable bastard) And here in sunny fucking Cape Town it`s pretty much always sunny. Okay that`s a lie, but it hasnt rained here for effing ages. It got overcast earlier today for about 2 minutes and then the sun came back out, and just for a moment, I was envious of the British. Sure, they have to live with their irritating accents and their general sense of superiority, but they dont have to worry about heatstroke. And that`s cool.

Random Snacks

Got some cool snacks that the mother saved for me from the set of Safehouse

Those odd looking things off to the right are cookies

Bacon, proof that God loves us

My amazing creation today was my version of a Wimpy breakfast, aka, bacon and eggs with chips. It took about 45 minutes to prepare.

The chips turned out well. It`s actually really simple to add a small portion of chips to your b&e. Took about a minute to peel and cut up one potato that took exactly the same amount of time to cook as the bacon.

The eggs, not too shabby. Ive learnt that eggs take a lot of care to prepare well, it`s easy, but you gotta care. Im exquisitely anal about egg preperation. I have a specific cup that I break the eggs into to check for any anomalies. Im hyper paranoid about eating good eggs that are not off, and do not contain pieces of blood, or fucking shell.

Probably one of my best batches of bacon, ever. The perfect mixture between soft and crispy. Perfect. I always make a whole pack of bacon when I make bacon, rather than keep an open pack of bacon in the fridge. This time it was back bacon. It was very good, with loads of delicious fat that crisped so perfectly just on the edges. Glorious.

And of course, what meal would be complete without the real thing?