Sunday, March 13, 2011

Nik Naks - Cheese Flavour

Not much to be said about Nik Naks, unless you come from a place that doesnt have them, which I suspect is most of you. Nik Naks are a rich, cheesy, cheese snack made from maize. I wish I had a pic but I ate them all before I had the idea to blog about their amazingness.

In South Africa, Nik Naks are one of those things we`ve known since childhood, so I think many of us feel a bit nostalgic about them, like fizzers, fritos, and steri stumpies. They kinda stink if you`re the only one eating them though. They are awesome.

An urban legend states that covering Nik Naks in cheese and grillng them in the oven elevates them to a higher level of awesomeness, but I can neither confirm nor deny such a rumour.

I find that eating anything more than a small pack makes me violently nauseous, purely due to their extreme awesomeness

1 comment:

moemedi said...

the nik naks man is black?