Sunday, March 13, 2011

Tea, because I drink too much coffee

Im enjoying a cup of tea for probably the first time in 10 years. I feel like a grumpy Englishman. I actually decided today that I want to go to England. Not for the people, mind you. The people would be reason enough not to go. No, Id want to go to England for the miserable weather. Ive always loved miserable weather (maybe it`s because Im a miserable bastard) And here in sunny fucking Cape Town it`s pretty much always sunny. Okay that`s a lie, but it hasnt rained here for effing ages. It got overcast earlier today for about 2 minutes and then the sun came back out, and just for a moment, I was envious of the British. Sure, they have to live with their irritating accents and their general sense of superiority, but they dont have to worry about heatstroke. And that`s cool.

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