Sunday, March 13, 2011

Bacon, proof that God loves us

My amazing creation today was my version of a Wimpy breakfast, aka, bacon and eggs with chips. It took about 45 minutes to prepare.

The chips turned out well. It`s actually really simple to add a small portion of chips to your b&e. Took about a minute to peel and cut up one potato that took exactly the same amount of time to cook as the bacon.

The eggs, not too shabby. Ive learnt that eggs take a lot of care to prepare well, it`s easy, but you gotta care. Im exquisitely anal about egg preperation. I have a specific cup that I break the eggs into to check for any anomalies. Im hyper paranoid about eating good eggs that are not off, and do not contain pieces of blood, or fucking shell.

Probably one of my best batches of bacon, ever. The perfect mixture between soft and crispy. Perfect. I always make a whole pack of bacon when I make bacon, rather than keep an open pack of bacon in the fridge. This time it was back bacon. It was very good, with loads of delicious fat that crisped so perfectly just on the edges. Glorious.

And of course, what meal would be complete without the real thing?

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